
Before you can develop HDI objects for ABAP for SAP HANAapplications, the development environments in ABAP and SAP HANA XSAdvanced must be configured. The Configure your ABAP DevelopmentSystem for Development of HDI Objects guide is available inSAP Community Network. It guides you through all the steps involved inthe configuration process. For more information, see SAP Note2569651 .
Create ABAP-managed HDI Containers
In the ABAP system (SAP GUI), you create an ABAP-managed HDI container.This will create an HDI container in the SAP HANAdatabase of the AS ABAP into which you can deploy your objects.
Create HDI Namespaces
In ABAP Development Tools (ADT), you create an HDI namespace in theABAP-managed HDI container.
Perform Developments in ADT and SAP WebIDE
You perform your ABAP developments in ADT and your HDI developments inSAP Web IDE for SAP HANA.You can start SAP Web IDE in the HDI Namespace Editor in ADT using theOpen in Web IDE function.
Use the Check-in Function
You can synchronize content between ADT (AS ABAP) and SAP Web IDE usingthe Check-in and Check-outfunctions. To transport your developments to follow-on systems, allchanges are recorded in transport requests.
Release the Transport Request
After you have finished development, you can release the transportrequest in the ABAP source system.
For more information, see Releasing Change Requests.
Import the Transport Request in the TargetSystem
The transport administrator usually performs imports in target systemsusing the classical ABAP Change and Transport System.
For more information, see Importing Requests.